Therapy for Children, Teens, & Young Adults with ADHD

We work with children, teens, and young adults with all types of ADHD including inattentive, hyperactive, and combined. Treatment includes support and training for executive functioning, guidance for school-based accommodations, and parenting strategies. We also have extensive experience working with clients who present with more subtle presentations of ADHD including girls and women, high-achievers, gifted or “2e” individuals, those who are not identified until adulthood, and individuals with co-occurring anxiety or autism.

Looking for support for ADHD?

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 ADHD Resources 


  • 12 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD by Russell A. Barkley

  • Driven to Distraction by Dr. Edward Hallowell and Dr. John Ratey

  • Smart but Scattered by Peg Dawson, EdD, and Richard Guare, PhD

  • Understanding Girls with ADHD: How They Feel and Why They Do What They Do by Kathleen Nadeau, Ellen Littman, and Patricia Quinn

  • The Executive Functioning Workbook for Teens: Help for Unprepared, Late, and Scattered Teens by Sharon A. Hansen

  • Executive Functioning Workbook for Kids: 40 Fun Activities to Build Memory, Flexible Thinking, and Self-Control Skills at Home, in School, and Beyond by Dr. Sharon Grand

Online Resources