Overview of Testing Services at CAPSS

At CAPSS, we provide psychological and learning evaluations for diagnosis of:

If you are interested in testing or diagnostic assessment for yourself or your child, please complete the New Client Inquiry Form.

We also know that we aren’t the right fit for everyone. Please see here for a list of the types of assessment that are typically not a great fit for the providers at CAPSS.

What to Expect from Testing

Diagnostic evaluations take place over several visits and typically include a parent/ caregiver interview, questionnaires, direct testing session(s), information from other sources as relevant (e.g., teachers), and a feedback session to discuss results and recommendations. You will also receive a written report summarizing test results and recommendations.

An overview of what to expect at IQ testing may be found here.

Families may prepare for testing sessions by ensuring that their child had adequate sleep during the previous night, has eaten a balanced meal, and has taken any prescribed medications on the testing day.  You are welcome to bring snacks or drinks for your child to have during breaks during the testing session, as well as a comfort item (e.g., stuffed animal) or another item of interest that your child would like to share with the examiner.